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England is no longer just a tea-drinking nation. It has emerged as a formidable player in the world of wine production. The cool climate - similar to that of Champagne in France - chalky soils, and passionate winemakers have paved the way for the success of English wines. The  chalky soils found in southern England provide excellent drainage and impart a distinct minerality to the wines. 

As England continues to establish itself as a wine producing country, the future looks promising. The investment in vineyards, the expertise of winemakers, and the unique terroir all contribute to the growth and success of the English wine industry. With each passing year, the quality of English wines continues to improve, earning recognition and accolades on the international stage.

American Sergio Verillo of Blackbook & Aussie ‘Young-Gun’ Alex Hurley of London Cru are two exciting talents producing still wines from Southern England sites. Whilst European vignerons battled to retain acidities in a hot 2020, it has aided England in producing a knock-out vintage of cool-climate still wines.

London Cru

R 504.00